




阿伯啦含:“看来你吐出来的误解可不少,你提出最大的误解就是必定要从行动才能够产生价值,那么什么是经济呢?换句话说,是谁决定你工作一个小时值得八塊钱,另一个人值得五十块钱,再一个值得一万或者一百万块一个小时?谁有资格去衡量那个价值呢?这种衡量不是很恰当不是吗?你们的经济体系是哪里来的呢?才不过几百年前你们这个区域还在物物交换,那曾经是你们的依据。杰里记得黄金准则被规定为卅五美元一安士,所有价值都必须依据黄金准则来衡量,没有一个永远不变的准则,谁有资格诠释价值?你们最终将会明白让你们受益最大的价值是连接上"创造宇宙”的能量的价值。你要怎样用金钱来衡量这种价值呢?我已经健康那么久了,我决定病一病,让那些病患能够得到一些健康,因为我已经享有超过应得的健康了,你从来不会这么说,因为你不会把它当成可以分割出去的东西,在某一方面你是把它当作某种震动的频率,虽然你们没有这么表达过。人类只会说是运气不好才生病,好运的人得到健康。但是事实并非如此,宇宙中有“丰富”的震动有些人摄取它有些人抗拒,只不过都是他们自找的。没有一大块的资源可以分割,没有人去给宇宙定价钱,然后把它摆在外面,结果现在你们要去偷要去买卖它,那真是老掉牙的新闻。你进去的是这个震动的现实,他是思想和协调, 你认为应该付钱给谁,你用这个地球,自动运转,正确操作,应该付钱给谁,谁去衡量它的价值,谁去付钱给那个维持他运转稳定的人,换句话说,以你所提出的法则,太多事情不能够解释清楚,这个法则不能够利益任何人,这是普遍的见解,不是你假设的,许许多多的人们相信它。继续读下去,我们会一条一条拆解,让你能够真正感受到我们提出的见解,继续。”







学生:“ OK, 人们想要有收入以便他们可以自由地发挥他们的创意,满足他们最深处的欲望。”





Student:" Hello Abraham! My understanding of your teachings is that thoughts stimulate vibrations which stimulate emotion, which stimulate..(Abraham:" A thought is vibration.", ok, and you said that creation required no action, and that the evidence will reveal itself, so here is my question;

Abraham:" That's mostly right, thought and vibration are one and the same, and a practice thought is a practice vibration that equals the point of attraction, and if you keep it up for a little while than it become the reality, but the vibration is where you wanted to put the emphasis and we are too."

Student:" So money doesn't grow on trees, it only come from other people, and the only way to get money from other people is to either steel it, or to create value which people will pay for it, so if people just sit on the couch, thinking about what they desire the money and asking for the money and giving out the vibration and feeling the emotion of receiving the money, that which they ask for, but they take no action to create value which people will pay for it, than how is the income, the money just come to them if they take no action?"

Abraham:" Well the flaw premises that you just spewed are abundant there. First here is the biggest assumption you're making is that value only comes from action, and what is economy anyway? In other words, who gets to decide that what you do for a living is only worth 8 Dollars an hour, while that one work for a living is worth 50 Dollars an hour,and while that one work for a living is worth 10,000 or 10 million Dollars an hour, who gets to define that value anyway? Is not very well define is it? Yet where did your economy comes from, just a few hundred years ago on these continent you were trading beads and shells and a little bit of mineral, that was your basis, Jerry remember when the gold standard was 35 Dollars an ounce the gold standard, and everything was suppose to be measured against that gold standard, there are no standard like that which remain consistently, who gets to define value? you're gonna come round to understanding that the only true value that you ever reaps the rewards from or the benefits of is the value of alignment with this energy that create world, what kind of monetary value that you put on that? do you ever heard anyone says well I've been so well for so many years, and there are so many people out there who are sick, and I've been using up all the wellness value for so long, that I decided that I'm going to be sick for awhile to allow more sick people to be well, because I've been getting more of my fair share of wellness, you never say that, because you never see it as a pile os something that can be divid out, you accept that as a vibrational relationship in some way, you haven't really define it. Human say well that one just unlucky in sickness, and that one just lucky in wellness, but it's not like that at all, there is a vibrational abundance that is been realized by some and denied by others, but they are all doing it to themselves, there is not a big pile of resources that you are diving up somebody didn't set the monetary fiscal standard for the universe and there it all is out there and now you have to steal it or trade it, that is so old news, this is a vibrational reality that you are moving into, and it is thought and alignment, who do you think was paid for this earth that is now congeal and spinning in its orbit who was paid for that?  who scrape that value together and who was paid for it and who tends for it in its orbit, in other words, there is so many things that you can begin to explain through a platform like the one that you've just present it to us here. And that platform is not serving anyone at all. This is common wisdom, there is nothing you said, you didn't just make it up, a whole lot of people believed that, now read it to us again, and we're going to pick it apart line by line, so that you can feel what we're getting at, just start again."

Student:" OK, my understanding of your teaching is that thought stimulate vibration..."

Abraham:" All right , we've amended that thought and vibration, 'thought is vibration', and law of vibration brings more thought to it, so when I think this thought and I hold the frequency of it for as little as seventeen second another thought like it is gonna joint it and you're calling that stimulation of thought, and we say yes, when you keep a vibration going, law of attraction is going to make it bigger and bigger, whether it's something wanted or unwanted, it will get bigger by focus to it."

Student:" and so you not have to do anything..(Abraham:" you have to focus.") you just sit in your chair and focus and money is going to come..."

Abraham:" Wait! Now wait, now wait, don't get there too soon, focus, but focus is doing something. Focus is harnessing the energy that create world, in other words, that's like saying, you don't have to do anything you just have to focus and than the world will come into being. Somebody did something, somebody did something, somebody focused, focus has value. You can sit and focus out of the vortex and your life won't change at all. You can sit and focus in the vortex and your life will change magnificently. The power of your mind is the only power that matters, and all the other stuff you do is just for the pleasure of enhancing of what you've really done with your mind and all the real power is the focus and for you to call that nothing could not be further from accurate."

Student:" Most people would like to have enough passive income..."

Abraham:" Is not about the action that you've offer, it's about the alignment with the dream is about the alignment with the real resource, we're talking about tapping into the energy that creates world and flowing it to your experience, and a really good place to start is to look around at the vast differences in the way people are living their lives. The people that working the hardest in terms of action are receiving the least, the people who are working the least are receiving the most, how do you reconcile that. Most don't most just say that sucks, most just say there're injustice,most just say lets take the pie and split it up again, lets take the pie and split it up again, lets take the pie and split it up again, that does not matter how many times you split that pie up, it will moved into the vibrational places where law of attraction puts it, in other words you just can't orchestrate it through action, it is a vibration attraction, or allowance that it is all about. Continue just a little bit, we have two minutes."

Student:" OK, So people wanted income so they could be free to express their creativity, and fulfill their deepest desire."

Abraham:" People wanted so that they will feel better, you say; they want it so that they can satisfied this and this and this. What they want is alignment and alignment brings money, and what you're saying is they want the money so that they can than observe alignment we say they want the which will bring the money. What they want is the alignment, what you want is to be in love, what you want is to take a walk and feel your heart soring, what you want is for music to move through your body, what you want is to be alive and brilliant and have good timing, what you want is to be clever, what you want is to love, these are the things that you want is all the other stuff is irrelevant, and when you go for alignment first than all the other trapping has to fill around it, that is law."

Student:" The point of the whole question is to trying to understand how you can create what you desire without taking physical action."

Abraham:" And what we are saying is; you've already created it with all that you've been living and it's been waiting for you offering a signal, all you have to do is hon in on that signal, and you can tell when you're honing in, cause you're feeling better, and you can tell when you're getting closer, cause you're feeling lighter, and you can tell when you're really hon in, because you believed and you can tell when you consistently hon in cause you know, you just know life is good, and you just know you're stable you just expect it to be good and now you're moving through life doing the action which is delicious, doing the action that support you knowledge of well being, in other words, oh you get tune in, and you won't ceased to act, we promise you, when you're tune in to the energy that create world the inspirations to call this person and go there, the inspiration will flow through you, you'll be the busiest persons in the world you've ever known in your life, but the inspiration comes first and inspire the action, the action doesn't create."


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