Basically esoteric money is I teach people to raise their energy,I teach you to become more life force more power, and then when you do that, people will be pull to you, people will show up. They're gonna crawl all over the floor, under the door, they're gonna lower themselves over the ceiling, they will be there, and when they show up, what you gonna do is bill them, you have to have a way to billing these people so that you can basically make money, and that means being organize, having a product or service or something that you can give to these people that show up in your life. For you to raise up your energy and for people to show up and you haven't got a way of working with these people, you won't have the abundance you won't have the creativity, you won't have the energy pattern to go all the way and basically some of you are gonna needs lots of money in order to buy those experiences and to create the changes that you hope for yourself.
The society of physical plane are design for few people to control all the richness and most people are only have enough to get by......the world is not design for the people, it's design for the institution.
The life force or the god force is absolutely abundance, it will give you anything that you believe in, you only have to look at nature and you can look at a cherry tree or apricot tree and it has more apricot on that tree that you can ever eat, it has more cherry on it that you can eat and when you look at it, it has that splendid abundance naturally. Physical plane we are here a transcended being inside a body, you have the ability through your thought form through your feelings to absolutely redirect and change your life. I believe that you're not your body, that you're not your mind, you're not your sexuality, you are infinite being inside a body, and the you took on the limitation from the physical plane in order for you to be able to transcend them.
The human in this physical plane are basically in a circle, and the circle are created by the electromagnetic wave from the brain that set up this field or this force field that we live in, and that force field cuts us off from the abundance of the life force, it cuts us off from the god force, it cuts us off from other dimension of existence and gives us the illusion that what we see is real, but in fact the physical plane that you see is no more solid than your thought forms, it is no more solid than the feelings that you have within you, the fact that the physical plane is moving at the speed of light give us the illusion of being solid. But in fact you are looking at basically a non solid world, a world of thought form of consciousness. Your body being the same thing, your feelings and your thought form all being different and varied form of the one and the same energy, and as you look at the way of the scientific research,you can see that the scientist are getting nearer and nearer to a unified force field theory, all energy are the one and the same energy, that's my feelings.
I belief as an individual being in this circle of activities that describe the physical plane, and you can scratch and you can holler and you can thump and you can scream and rip people off and compete with them and shaft and push, you become wealthy. You can drag yourself out of the programming, out of the circumstances, but my way is more fluid and simpler, that is basically to work on your intention, to work upon your concentration and to move into a pattern that allows wealth to comes to you naturally, because the other system where sort of scratching and biting to get money, its almost like your wealth means somebody else poverty, while my way is you can become wealthy and allow every body else through your wealth to become richer, its not like there is any limits to how much wealth out there, and its not like there is any limits to how much money that you can have. There are million and millions of dollar every day that are lost and left lying around, and people die and they just leave it in a sort of carrier bag some place. You know there are millions of opportunities for cash at no effort at all, and its not like you becoming wealthy is going to detract from some body else at all, because we are not living in a finite world, we are not living in a world that only has so much resources or this much wealth, there are more resources to be discovered, there are more creative ways in doing things, there's always an ever expending amount of wealth.
What you're doing as an individual is, you're saying, listen I'm happy to concentrate in making money, because I understand it, if I don't concentrate on making money I won't have anything, you know, if you concentrate on the phantom rapist, the phantom comes out and bite you on the bum, if you concentrate on money you get money, but of course the society and the way we teach children disengage them from money, it disengage them from having wealth, because we teach our kids, hey its not ok to be wealthy, you know the meek will inherit the earth, the god force doesn't want you to be wealthy, it just wants you to be this little thing, and being terribly poor and being terribly thankful for a little idy bidy that you got, you know. But of course that's not true, that's just a lot of hot wash that was handed down for thousands of years. You know the life force don't give a damp of how much money you have, it is not emotionally involve in whether you're ok or not ok, if you're doing splendidly then your splendidness will help others,because you'll be doing economic things, creative ideas, you'll be spending your money, helping people, you're helping the world by becoming powerful, and yet we look at the physical plane where everything is design to not allow us to become powerful.
As you come in to this physical plan, as soon as you are born or even before you are born, that mind of yours is beginning to record every feeling every event, everything that ever been said to you, you suckle that up. You can put a person in a hypnotic trance, you can take'em back to when they are eleven years old, to their birthday party and you can have them tell you how many people were there, what their names were, how many cans of coke they drank, how many jello were eaten, who did what, everything is in your life everything is in there, how many step you took from the parking lot to the seat right now, you have a memory of all of that. Imagine this old babe it's lying there and it's sucking in everything, it's born to parent who thinks that working hard is honorable, that you have to work hard to make it through the physical plane.
How many of you thinks that working hard is an honorable thing? You see they sold you that because they wanted you to work for them, you know they wanted you to work hard for them, and we buy into that working hard to make money, making money in nothing to do with working hard, it's nothing to do with effort and struggle, it's mostly a matter of being balance and organize, and as you begin to center your creativity people show up that wanted to be part of that creativity,want to be a part of that action, they feel your security your strength and they sign up for it and they pay you for it.
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