Process 22 "Moving Up the Emotional Scale"
A scale of your emotions would look something like this:
1. Joy/Knowledge/Empowerment/Freedom/Love/Appreciation.
2. Passion.
3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness.
4. Positive Expectation/Belief.
5. Optimism.
Six Minutes To Success: 6 Steps To Success
Six Minutes To Success: 6 Steps To Success: Step 1
Six Minutes To Success: 6 Steps To Success: Step 2
Six Minutes To Success: 6 Steps To Success: Step 3
Six Minutes To Success: 6 Steps To Success: Step 4
Six Minutes To Success: 6 Steps To Success: Step 5
Six Minutes To Success: 6 Steps To Success: Step 6
Six Minutes To Success: 6 Steps To Success: Step 2
Six Minutes To Success: 6 Steps To Success: Step 3
Six Minutes To Success: 6 Steps To Success: Step 4
Six Minutes To Success: 6 Steps To Success: Step 5
Six Minutes To Success: 6 Steps To Success: Step 6
The Book of Positive Aspects ~ An Abraham Process
This exercise will assist you in finding a more deliberate,constant place of positive attraction.
Purchase a new note book. Write across the front of your book in bold letters: "A BOOK OF POSITIVE ASPECTS". The primary objective of your Book Of Positive Aspects is to quickly bring you to a position of feeling good..therefore a position of positive attraction, but there are many other benefits..
A daily entering of positive aspects on old and new subjects will help you to maintain your positive balance.
As one area of your life draws you to your Book of Positive Aspects ..the recording of your entry will bleed over into other aspects of your experience. Because you are feeling better more of the time, more of the things that you consider to be good will begin to flow smoothly into your experience.
Many of the things that you have been wanting - but have been blocking by offering though that attract resistance in the form of negative emotion - will easily flow into your experience. The balance of thought and feeling in your experience will shift from predominantly negative to predominantly positive.
You will soon discover that no matter what the emotional state of your world, your economy, or even those close around you in your work or home, you will find yourself in a more positive balance...and by law, indeed by the Law of Attraction, your own life will begin to show the result of that..immediately!
This "Book of Positive Aspects" is not offer as a precess whereby you take a negative and turn it in to positive. It is a process to assist you in giving your attention to that which is positive, and as your are focusing upon that which is positive, you CANNOT focus upon that which is negative, and when you withdraw your attention from that which is negative - it will leave your experience.
Upon each page begin a new subject. Write what flows easily from you. Do not work at it. When you work at it, you may find yourself trying to stretch something you actually feel negative about into a positive, and in giving it attention, even giving it positive words - you further your negative attention.
When the thoughts regarding a particular subject have stop flowing , turn to a fresh new page and begin a new subject. 15 minutes at the beginning of each day is enough time for his process. On the second day, read what you have written before and adds as the thoughts come to you. Notice ow good you feel during and following this process. If you find yourself feeling negative emotion regarding a specific person in your experience, begin a page of positive aspects regarding that person. If you find yourself feeling negative emotion regarding any subject, such as not enough money, not enough time, too much work to do, not enough respects from another, begin a page in your book to help yourself to identify the positive aspects of that particular situation. You will notice, right away, that your overall feeling is improved.
Not only will the specific situation, upon which you have written,improve immediately, but, also other experiences not yet identified in your book, because as you feel better you attract more of that which you consider to be good. As you feel bad, you attract more of that which you consider to be bad, it is law.
Continue for a full week, each reading what has been written before and adding to that. you may now begin to see this book as a treasure it really is, for it is the key to your centered, balanced place of Well-being. It is the key to your deliberate positioning of yourself in a place of positive attraction.
While your world is predominantly focused upon the negative, with many more critics than those who praise - you have found a process to control the way YOU feel. While almost everyone you know makes decisions to act from their concern of what will happen if they don't act - you are being inspired to positive, joyful activity.
A process from Abraham Hicks book 'a new beginning volume 2'. And remember, don't forget to include You in your book of positive aspects.
Napoleon Hill-simple way to achieve
This is old, but might be useful.I am going to try it, and see what happen.
Abraham Hicks- Life is

你的自性在无色界投射覺识进入色界的你,你就诞生到世间。你在世间生活,呼吸,在思考,和展现自我——同时你的自性也在生活,在思考,和展现自我。我把你和世间这个时空叫着“领导新新世界的心识。自性是遍满虚空,是很伟大,它延伸覺识进入这个生命,你和这个色界世间是自性最末端的延伸了。人类相信许多种生命起始的理论,一般颠倒的认为有至高无上的神,祂不食人间烟火,祂赋予色界的人类 生命,为了要人类完成使命,达到至高无上,或者跟神并驾齐驱,他必须接受神的旨意。你就是那个他们叫着“神”的延伸,因为你是最前端的延伸,那神也经历你的伸展,透过你,和你会合。既定的观念,使“神”这个字眼妨碍我们掌握“无色界本源”更深的意思。用本源,本体或自性比较贴切。本源和你相连和共存。你是自性的伸展,世间是相对的,对于自性而言世间是前卫的精彩的时空。你在这里被独特又精彩的生命的讯息围绕,你用感官诠释它。在你生活的每一天,你对生命的诠释都会造成宇宙进一步的发展。如何造成宇宙的发展?你运用你的五根(眼耳鼻舌身)诠释这世间,也就是说,对生命。你的自我意识会主观的认识和产生见解。自然而然的对生活你难免产生偏爱,欲求你自认为更好的事物,是自私的观念但它让你发现,进步,和成长。许多人不喜欢自私这个说法,那是他们误解了。生命的原则,免不了自私,因为你的见解和观察离不开自我意识的主见。所有覺识都有知觉,甚至是单细胞也有。而这知觉都有自私的观点。
True human nature

Everyone knows that we are human and we are physical being. We also have mind, feelings and emotions. Actually we are both human and ghost, both human and spirit. Do you believe that we are eternal being? I think I do.
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